Thank you for considering our tutorial for your family. We are now accepting registrations for the 2024-25 tutorial year. This year has proven to be another year blessed by God! Praise Him! God is, and as long as SHARE is SHARE; He will continue to be the center of our tutorial as we navigate the homeschool journey with you.
If you are interested in joining our tutorial, please complete a separate registration form for each student (no monies needed at this time) and mail to the address in box #2. Once I have received your registration/s, you will be placed in a wait pool until our current families, their siblings, and our SHINE siblings have been registered. We are a small tutorial and our space is limited so do not delay in getting those registrations mailed.
SHARE subjects of study this year will be as follows: Art, Geography (every 4 history years we rotate to geography to help the students understand where the history happened), Math Enrichment, Science and IEW for 5th & 6th graders.
***Geography and Science are our 2 exhaustive subjects and the students will be required to complete all homework assignments. Art is completed in class and strives to follow history now geography culture if appropriate and should be enough for an elementary study. Math is ENRICHMENT ONLY so you will need to have your own math curriculum at home.
Our classroom positions will be filled in this order:
February 1st-14th re-enrollment of our current families and their siblings
​February 15th-21st enrollment of SHINE (our sister school which meets downstairs) siblings
February 22nd and so on, all placements/positions will be filled as available. If there is no space available for your students at this time, you will be placed in our Wait Pool and notified as such.
If there is space available for your student/s, I will contact you informing you of your position and then; not before, you will be required to send your NON-REFUNDABLE registration fees. You will have 48 hours to respond, if I do not hear from you; I will move to the next family in line.